
Memorandum Order No. 10 - Temporary Ban on the Importation of Domestic and Wild Birds and their Products including Poultry Meat, Day-old Chicks, Eggs and Semen Originating from the State of California, United States of America

18 October 2002 22KB

Memorandum Order No. 09 - Lifting of the Temporary Ban on the Importation of Milk Powder from the Arinco Plant in Vidabaek, Denmark, Subject to Certain Conditions

4 Sept. 2002 26KB 

Memorandum Order No. 7  - HACCP Audit of Meat and Milk Exporting Plants

29 July 2002 23KB 

Memorandum Order No. 6 - Temporary Ban on the Importation of Milk Powder from ARINCO plant in Vidabaek, Denmark

11July 2002 24KB

Memorandum Order No.4 - Temporary Ban on the Importation of Domestic and Wild Birds and their Products including Poultry Meat, Day-old Chicks, Eggs and Semen Originating from Victoria, Australia

20 May 2002 23KB 

Memorandum Order No. 3  - Temporary Ban on the Importation of FMD-Susceptible Animals, their Products and By-Products Originating from Mainland South Korea except Cheju Island

6 May 2002 23KB 

Memorandum Order No. 2 - Temporary Ban on the Importation of Fishmeal from Japan

20 February 2002 22KB

Memorandum Order No. 1 - Lifting the Temporary Ban on the Importation of Live Pigs, Semen, Pork, Pork Products and by Products from the United Kingdom

05 February 2002 22KB
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